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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Opening A Web Application From VS2005

Welcome back... In this article I would like to tell how to open a web application that you have copied from somebody else from Visual Studio 2005. I am assuming that you have a running Internet Information Services (IIS) in your system.

Simply follow the steps below:
  1. Copy the folder containing the web application to the \Inetpub\wwwroot folder. (This is the default folder for IIS.)Note: Actually, you may copy the application folder to any folder in any drive but it will be easier if you copy it to the default folder used by IIS.
  2. Open IIS. In IIS, expand the Default website folder until you see the application folder you just copied. (It may appear with yellow folder icon.) Right click the folder name and choose Properties from the context menu that appears. Click the Create button from the dialog box followed by the OK button.

    The yellow folder icon changed to an opened package icon as shown below.
  3. Open Visual Studio 2005. In VS2005, open the File menu and choose Open Web Site. In the Open web site dialog box, click the Local IIS tab and select the web site you want to open followed by the Open button.

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